Millions of years, epochs in the making, the desert's age is evident in the geologic and fossil record. One of the guides uncovers a piece of coral, petrified, dating to when the future-desert sediment was laid down at the bottom of the ocean, which then became a salt sea, then a salt lake and then the Mojave.
Returning to camp that night, after dark, I had to see a man about a horse. If you don't know the expression, it is a euphemism for something one does not wish to state explicitly. I grabbed a trowel and the other gear necessary for the mission and trudged off up canyon. I had been using the same general area each morning and evening. With a near full moon overhead, I finished my business and started back to camp. Mostly I was gazing straight ahead. Normally, I would have my hiking headlamp set to red so as not to impair my night vision, but over the rocky terrain that alternated with the dry sand of the arroyo bottom, I needed the bright white light to assure I would not lose my footing. Glancing down to check my next several footfalls, a rattlesnake stared back at me, frozen in the headlamp beam that fell directly on it. It knew I was there before the light hit it. It's head was off the ground, tongue flicking the air, trying to get a taste of what it was that barred its way. It probably sensed the vibrations from my footfall before it ever saw the light.

I was about five meters away. How far can a rattlesnake strike from a full stop? In that position, I wanted to be conservative. Two body lengths? Maybe. How big was the snake? It was big, about the diameter of a Kielbasa and all S-ed up. So I had to guess. Certainly a meter. I calculated I was barely outside of its range, so I slowly arced around it, walking the upswing of a parabolic curve, increasing my distance as I moved past. Yes, the desert is certainly full of life.
That was the final night camping and I promised myself that whatever the need I was not going up canyon again.
We broke camp after breakfast, headed down to valley bottom, 282 feet (86 meters) below sea level. The guides had saved the tourist spots for a quick drive-by on our way back to Las Vegas for our flights home. But even those more trafficked sites are awe inspiring. It only takes a a moment and a big exhale to forget about the car and caravan tourists and perceive the desert sublime.